dear boss
Why you always require me something that I could not do ? and push me to decrease my holiday and break time in order to complish the work .
Why you never encourage me and understand that I am a normal kid that need time to play around ?
I want to take the break, and go to meet some nice man and have time to arrange a date with him , go to have fun with him.
I need someone to prove that I am just a girl that wait for true love.
I am just a girl , not a superwomen that can do every test that you gave me.
It is very stressful environment that I feel my heart break now. combine with the serious headache,
I want to be a good girl that can meet all your requirements.,
I really try and try.
Now I am tired on trying be someone I never could be.
Give me a break.
Is that just a DayDream ???
Forget it. I am still a poor little kid that need money to make my dream come true.
    創作者 wing 的頭像


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